Everyone please vote on the following league rules suggestions in the survey link below:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JPFBZGHWith the current league setup half the league would already be penalized for not participating in the EFL Magazine and have to designate 3 players instead of the 2 under the league rules.
I do not want to turn this into a league where I am enforcing leagues rules and penalties all day. I want this to be fun and engaging for everyone.
So please vote in the link above, EVERYONE must vote, you have until FRIDAY, AUGUST 11th to submit your vote. We will go with whatever the majority decides.
If there are several other suggestions, I will gather them and we can vote and discuss those as well.
My goal is to get this resolved by the end of the pre-season, so we can have some real fun once the season starts.
Thank you everyone!
Commissioner CoachCBJII
Last edited at 8/13/2017 11:18 pm